Dealing With Pond Pests and Predators
Pests are a feature of the pond just as much as they are in the rest of the garden, but keeping them under control calls for [...]
Pond Expert2023-04-05T16:12:09+00:00Pond Life Fish & Animals|
Pests are a feature of the pond just as much as they are in the rest of the garden, but keeping them under control calls for [...]
Pond Expert2022-01-25T16:09:44+00:00Ask Our Pond Experts, Pond Life Fish & Animals|
No matter how much you welcome visiting wildlife to your garden, there are times when you can have rather too much of a good thing – [...]
Pond Expert2022-05-24T22:38:15+00:00Pond Life Fish & Animals|
Just like us, fish suffer from their share of health problems and there are few things more alarming than noticing that some of your prized pond [...]
Pond Expert2022-05-24T22:50:13+00:00Pond Plants, Useful Facts about Ponds|
A well planted pond makes a striking centre-piece in any garden. Although in general water plants tend to be less bothered by pests and disease than [...]
Pond Expert2022-01-25T16:09:52+00:00Pond Life Fish & Animals|
There are probably few things quite so disheartening than having established your beautiful fish or wildlife pond only to see its inhabitants decimated at the claws, [...]
Pond Expert2022-01-25T16:09:51+00:00Pond Life Fish & Animals, Pond Plants|
Water gardens like all gardens; suffer from the attentions of plant eating insects and other pests. Although the closed nature of the pond environment imposes its [...]